Little House was published originally between 1932 and 1943. Little House is actually a series of children's books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The four additional books have also been published after the death of writer, in 1962, 1971, 1974, and 2006 respectively.
The main characters of the series are Pa Ingalls, Ma, Marry, Laura, and Edwards. The incidents in the book are actual situations that happened to the Ingalls family as told to Laura by her Pa, Ma and sister Marry. Laura was 2 to 3.5 years old when her family lived in Indian Territory during 1869-1870, and did not remember the incident herself, so she did historical research while writing this novel. She represents herself as being six to seven years old but she was in fact 4-5 years old. Later in her next book she corrected her age.
The story started as, Pa Ingalls decides to sell the house and moves to the Indian Territory near independence, Kanas, along with Pa and Ma, Marry, and baby Carrie, as she heard the circulating stories that the land would be opened to settlement by homesteaders imminently. Pa has two horses and trades them for two Western Mustangs, and named them Pet and Patty. After reaching to Indian Territory, the family meets Mr. Edward who becomes an excellent neighbor and helps the Ingalls in every way he can. He helps Pa to erect their houses, Pa builds a roof and a floor for their house, digs a well and family is finally settled. After the short time of their settlement, the family becomes terribly ill from a disease known as "Fever and Ague" at that time, which was later identifies as Malaria. Mrs. Scott is another neighbor of the family who takes care of them while they are sick. At the end of the book they are informed that the land must be evacuated by colonists as it is not legally opened for settlement. The next book "On the Banks of Pulm Creek" exposes that they have moved to Minnesota. In that book she also correctly describes her own age and most events as they actually happened.
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